Alexa rank is one indicator of a site's popularity and is also often used to assess the quality of a site, a site that has a high quality in terms of content, backlinks, and traffic will have little Alexa rank, example: google.com (Alexa rank # 1) , facebook.com (Alexa rank # 2).
Below are some ways / techniques to increase Alexa rank is proven to increase Alexa rank quickly.
Claim Your Site On Alexa Site
Claim Your Site, to increase Alexa ranking before you must register and claim your blog / website in advance and put Alexa Meta ID tag on the head of your template, then Alexa will simplify access your site. Site description, country name and profile is a very important thing when doing claiming. Always use appropriate keywords in your blog theme when describing your site, even if it is a small thing but it is very helpful to increase Alexa ranking on your blog.
Claim Your Site, to increase Alexa ranking before you must register and claim your blog / website in advance and put Alexa Meta ID tag on the head of your template, then Alexa will simplify access your site. Site description, country name and profile is a very important thing when doing claiming. Always use appropriate keywords in your blog theme when describing your site, even if it is a small thing but it is very helpful to increase Alexa ranking on your blog.
Install the Alexa Toolbar In Browser
Install / Install the Alexa Toolbar on your browser are things you must do to increase the Alexa rank. You must update your blog using the browser that is ter-install the Alexa toolbar, all the activities you do on your blog should use the same browser and have installed the Alexa toolbar.
Blog Content Update regularly to Quickly Increase Alexa Rank
Regularly updated content on your blog is a very nice way to increase your Alexa rank, Alexa really love fresh content as in the case with Google. I once read on a site that is well-known that to update the blog 7-10 times in a week will be very quick to increase Alexa rank.
The Qualified Content
Alexa also considering the page view, bounce rate, when the me-ranking your site. Unique and fresh content will make visitors to your blog will be content to be on your blog, create a content that is always appropriate to the theme of your blog, the content does not fit the theme of the blog will take effect negative for Alexa Rank and very detrimental.
Link Building
Alexa also calculate links, or backlinks collection of links that point to your blog will also increase Alexa rank, many ways to get backlinks such as social bookmarking, link exchange, guest blogging, forums, etc..
Blog Commenting
You should be aware that most of the blogs have nofollow attribute in their comment system, It does not help to increase Google pagerank. And, if you comment on a blog aggressively for the long term then you may be a victim of a mass spam by Google. Do not be afraid, you believe it or not, the Google search engine always find intent. If you post constructive comments using keywords wisely, then Google will send a positive signal and help you increase your Alexa rank.
Special Content for Webmasters
Almost all webmasters and blog owners to use the Alexa toolbar in their browser, and If you write a post specifically for those with optimal search engine optimization then your Alexa rank will rise very quickly because they will visit your blog to their browser which is ter-install Alexa toolbar. few examples of content for webmasters like discuss about SEO, Blogger, how to modify your website / blog, etc..
Alexa Pro
If you are a Blogger who was seriously taken up blogging and earn profits in the blog world, there is nothing wrong you try and buy Alexa Pro, as well as to increase Alexa rank quickly, you can also enjoy these features as much from Alexa to promote your website in Alexa search results, add a company logo, a link back to your site, etc.. If you are blogging just simply a hobby like this I better choose Alexa free time.
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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