Encouraged by a FOX Engine, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 will be present at this year's hit game World Football lover community. What are the greatness displayed in PES 2014? I can describe the following:
Konami as a Football Game Manufacturers stated that players will be more realistic design and design clothes and the player will be made differently, thus allowing clothes to other interested players during a match. Moreover, the advantage of this Konami game output?
Opponent Referee
In PES 2014 game, if players feel aggrieved referee, players can protest. Players can question the referee's decision making. If gamers do protest, the referee's decision at the moment or any other breach of controversy during the game will change. But hat too careful, because if the protests could potentially excessive yellow-carded, even in a red card!
The 12 Players Come to Play
If players wish the match in PES 2014 will be flat like the previous PES games, I think do not get your hopes up. Because the game PES 2014 will reportedly involve the 12th player alias audience. Victory or defeat players during a match will give you a different reaction in the audience. Their actions are manifold, there is lit firecrackers, bottle throwing trash or leave the stadium. But interestingly, there was a moment where his supporters will launch a laser beam to the players which of course will make the players (especially kipper) to pick up a ball of confusion.
Indonesian national team will Participate in Action
Indonesia was again the target of the game developers. Konami reportedly will license a lot of club and country. Konami reportedly will license up to 175 countries in FIFA rankings. In other words, the Indonesian national team will go to enliven the game PES 2013, because the team's upbringing Rahmat Darmawan included in the order 172.
Actually there are many other details related to the developer given new PES game. So we wait for the next news.
source : here
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Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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