Submit a sitemap or table of contents to a directory service blog google google webmaster tools ie a way that is often used by web or blog owners to inform search engines about posting any article contained in the blog.
Technique actually submit the sitemap to webmaster tools including search engine optimization techniques or in a language blog called SEO. This technique is also intended that the admin blog can increase traffic to their blog visitors optimization google webmaster tools through this.
Technique actually submit the sitemap to webmaster tools including search engine optimization techniques or in a language blog called SEO. This technique is also intended that the admin blog can increase traffic to their blog visitors optimization google webmaster tools through this.
Here's an easy tutorial how to submit a sitemap or sitemap to google webmaster tools this:
- The first thing you should do to do is please login using your Google account.
- Once you go to google webmaster tools home page, please click the url of your blog you are already registered prior to google webmaster tools. For those who do not know how to register a blog to the webmaster please read How to easily register a blog to google webmaster tools
- Then you will go to your blog dashboard webmaster, then on some menu options please click on the optimization
- Then on the right side there is a sitemap menu add / test site map.
- Then enter the url of your site map. If you blog then please enter your blogspot platform with feed format / post / default and then click send map site.
Once you click send a site map, please wait a few hours or a few days, because it takes time to crawl Googlebots blog post anda.Oleh therefore you have a little patience in the process of indexing your article on the google search engine.
You can see how many map sites indexed through the choice of a site map in google webmaster tools.
You can see how many map sites indexed through the choice of a site map in google webmaster tools.
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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