Google is a search engine with the largest user in the virtual world, I'm sure for most of you is making google as an answering machine, both as a answering machine for personal gain, or even as an answering machine for the benefit of TIM or organization. Because Google is a giant search engine in cyberspace, the first step to mempupoleritaskan website / blog is the Google search engine to advance, and the following step by step how to list on google search engine and Verification of Web site / Blog to Google Webmaster who will website / blog you appear in Google SERP:
- The first step to register a website on Google is to first create a new google gmail account, click → New List a Google account (Gmail)
- After regristrasi new Google account on GMAIL has been completed and is being circumstances Log In, the next step please visit Google addurl, Enter your website homepage & anti-spam code, click "send request".
Actually from the two steps above then you're already registered site into the google search engine database. However it is recommended that you also verify ownership of your site through Google Webmaster :
click add site (Add Site). Domain and enter the homepage of the website / blog.
The next step you're going to face in the method of verifying ownership of your website. Verify the easiest method in my opinion is the method insert HTML tags into my web site, so I suggest that you also follow me, please click "Alternative Methods", "HTML Tag" meta tag, Copy, Paste listed on the porch your site is in editing CSS / Template code <head> site you after or before </ head>, Save Template, Back in Webmaster and click "Verify".
If all of the above step is done properly, it should have succeeded in making our blog indexed by google search engine.
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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