Keep in mind that search Bing and Yahoo have now joined in the search engines colony. Our sites can be found automatically or terdatar in two major search engines (Yahoo and Bing). And step by step following lists:
- The first step, create an account first Microsoft (Hotmail), please click → https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=64855&mkt=id-id&lic=1 → Then click "I Agree" if all the requested data already filled in correctly.
- If the first step is done, the next step please go directly to bing webmaster central, please click → http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster → Continue to click the "Sign In".
- If the sign-in process has been running smoothly, just enter your website domain homepage on the "Add site" and then click "Add".
- Your job as usual the next fill the requested data, please complete all sections that have been requested. Then if all the forms are filled in correctly just click "save".
- Last step is to choose the method of verification, such as the Google webmaster, use the method of verification by meta tag html tag → Copy and paste listed on the veranda → css / website templates / blog (before code <head> or before </ head> ) → → Back At templates save bing webmaster click "Verify".
- If all the above steps have been done correctly, then it should be the site you're already registered, and to bring the pages of your site in Yahoo! and Bing search results usually takes more than 2 weeks. Indeed, one drawback of yahoo and bing search engines is very long to index any url on our web site.
To check if your site already appears in the search results of Google, Yahoo, & Bing, please Visit www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, www.bing.com or by entering "your website domain name" as a keyword or add posts "site:" before the domain name your site (a site: domainname.com).
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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