Once we see how In order for your blog to Become SEO Friendly template part one, we now proceed directly to part two, cekidot!
Creating SEO Friendly Blog by Adding Meta Tags
Search engines love web / blog content are clear theme and its content. So, my friend had nambahin a meta tag name tag. Here are the steps:
Search engines love web / blog content are clear theme and its content. So, my friend had nambahin a meta tag name tag. Here are the steps:
- Log into your blog dashboard
- Login keTemplate then select Edit html
- Find the following code:
search words similar to: <b:skin> <! [CDATA [/ *
Copy the following code above the code :
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/>
<meta name='Author' content='Nama Sobat'/>
<meta name='description' content='Deskripsi singkat tentang blog sobat'/>
<meta name='keywords' content='keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, dst'/>
<meta name='language' content='id'/>
<meta name='geo.position' content='-5;120'/>
<meta name='geo.country' content='id' />
Then save the template. The Next Part 3, klick
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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