Creating SEO Friendly Blog with Installing Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to navigate back to the previous page or to the base quickly. Breadcumbs is highly favored by search engines, so if we have breadcumbs blog can add value to the SEO on our blog. In the search engine (SERP) url shown is the category of your blog posts that can compete for the top position in Google SERP. To install a good breadcrumb see how
Breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to navigate back to the previous page or to the base quickly. Breadcumbs is highly favored by search engines, so if we have breadcumbs blog can add value to the SEO on our blog. In the search engine (SERP) url shown is the category of your blog posts that can compete for the top position in Google SERP. To install a good breadcrumb see how
Creating SEO Friendly Blog Posts Related to Install
Related post is great for SEO and favored the visitors. After reading an article visitors will not run into other blogs and generally will be interested to see the related post on the blog buddy.
Creating SEO Friendly Blog by setting Deadly archive (archive)
Search engines hate duplicate archive name. If you enable the archive option, there will be 2 pieces 2 links to different pages (main page and article pages themselves) but has the same content item. For search engines this is a serious problem. Therefore, we'd better disable the archive option. The trick is as follows:
- Log into your blog dashboard
- Go to Settings and then select Archiving
- In the Archiving Frequency change being no archive
Or if my friend did not want to disable the function of archives, please go to the template and then select edit html and place the following code <head> code below:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'> <meta content='noindex' name='robots'/> </ b: if>
Do not forget to keep her tamplete!
The Next part 4 (end),
Thank you'r review this article blog. May be a good benefit for all bloggers. regards

Author: Unknown Location: Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

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